

Winning at the Finish Line [ISBN:9789881425805]



Life in a fast-paced commercial city like Hong Kong is not always easy. Many people feel uncertain about their future, especially their financial future. Can people still succeed? God has His plan for us, including our financial future. This book explains His principles that have been tested for over 3,000 years. And they are more relevant today than ever. “Winning at the Finish Line” includes: – Achieving financial success by inviting God to be our advisor – Five crucial steps to financial success – Making our budget plan and becoming debt-free – Buying our dream home – with ways to save and invest for down payment – Retiring with a sense of financial security and fabulous life choices – Being blessed and being generous And much more. Sit back, relax, read and learn. Apply God’s financial principles in your life and experience the joy. They can change your life. 在香港這樣一個節奏快速的城市生活殊不容易,好多人對於未來充滿困惑, 尤其是將來的「錢途」。我們仍有機會理財成功嗎? 上帝對每一個人皆有祂的特定計劃, 包括財務方面。本書揭示聖經超過三千年的智慧及理念,即使在今天仍然有效, 在對我們每個人說話。 「贏在終點」主要包括: – 邀請神作你的理財軍師, 在祂裡面尋找成功。 – 成功理財五部曲。 – 作財務報表並達致無債一身輕。 – 上樓夢成真 – 正確儲蓄方法及為首期投資。 – 為有選擇、有尊嚴的退休生活努力。 – 惠己及人, 學習施予。 還有更多…… 細心閱讀、學習,期盼大家可以活學活用神的理財原則,享受當中成果,你的生命將被改變。 作者簡介:Dr. Olli Tuominen He is the founder of Living Hope Ministry. The ministry seeks to advance God’s message by teaching His principles in personal finance, health and career planning. He has over 26 years of global management experience in Germany, the United States, China and Hong Kong. As Senior Vice President of a major medical company, he retired early at age 54 to dedicate his life to serving God and the people of Hong Kong. He has been living in Hong Kong for over 10 years. “Everything living has hope; hope, focus and perseverance together equal success." 書名: Winning at the Finish Line 作者: Dr. Olli Tuominen 出版社: 道聲出版社 出版年份: 2015年7月 包裝: 平裝 開本: 16.9 x 25 厘米 頁數: 329頁 定價: 英文版:港幣138元 編號: TA1503B07 國際書號ISBN: 9789881425805
